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December 02, 2007


Blog Antagonist

What a beautiful tradition and a lovely poem. He's a lucky kid. Happy Birthday Hippie Kid!!


I loved this. As a birthmom, it was wonderful to read. Thank you very, very much.

Happy 10th to your special son. My heart goes out to you in the midst of your joy and loss. Those mixed emotions are hard to deal with - I'm glad you shared this.


Happy b-day to Hippiekid!!!


AA--The kid sort of looks like you in this picture...that's so weird!

Happy b-day to your boy, and love to his two mothers.


happy days without end to both of you! love from all of us


Hey! thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment - I get mostly lurkers, so its special that you stopped, dropped, and wrote.
I really liked the idea of donating stuff to an animal shelter instead of presents - might just have to swipe that idea in the future.
The poem was also a really sweet idea - it made me cry to read it. I bet you're a wonderful mom - am I too old to be adopted by you?!

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