I'll point out how lucky you are that you can neither see nor hear me. Because really there is only so much coughing you can listen to before sympathy exits and annoyance sets in. And the slimey, slippery oozing of body fluids that causes me to have to stuff a tissue in whichever nostril is on the downhill slope while sleeping is not all that fun to hear about either.
This is the 3rd time this school year that I have contracted some cold or flu virus that loves me more than anyone else and refuses to part from my cells, sweat and snot ridden though they are. I worked only 2 of the 5 days this week. Oh, yeah, I am way past the allotted number of sick days and well into the "days we deduct from your check at your daily rate of pay, which is somehow so much more than what you actually make in a day, but trust us it all works out over the course of your contract", so every day I miss makes me just a little more stressed out.
As I lie in bed thinking deep thoughts (and coughing up chunks of lung) all sorts of ideas for meaningful posts go through my head. Unfortunately none of them stick around long enough to become any sort of coherent essay.
So, you get this.
1. A plea to please give me some great defining edict from one of the candidates that will make me feel like lining up behind someone and staying there. Oh how I long for a candidate that I could support unfailingly and unflinchingly. Because right now I am flinching a lot.I keep thinking of things I want to write in a post, but when I start thinking about it all too much the flinching and twitching makes it hard to type.
2. An anecdote from the Hippiekid: "Polar bears lost their tails in battle. They used to have one, but then it got chopped off in a battle and now it is a tradition for polar bears to only have a little stub there." He actually told me that a couple of months ago, but I just found where I wrote it down. I have no idea where it came from. At the time we were sitting on the sofa and not talking about polar bears. Sometimes the factoids just appear out of the blue.
3.A note about our pottery... apparently it was just too smokin' awesome! We were there on a Saturday and the next Tuesday part of Artisan's Alley burned. We were a little concerned that our creations had been "fired" prematurely, but the pottery shop was not affected. Hopefully we will get in next week and paint.
4. A picture of a boy and his dog. Taken today during one of the brief times I was up walking around.
They are moving an old burn barrel into "the hideout" that Hippiekid has created among the cedar and oak trees on the back part of our property. (No he won't be burning anything. He has other plans for it, along with the two old toasters and other bits of metal and wood. I think they're decorative.) I am standing just inside and you can see the back of the "No Tresspassing" sign he will rewire between the trees when he leaves for the day. It's good to be 10.