Right now, as I type this, with a Nascar race on the big screen TV in the background and the sound of the dog barking coming through the open window, The Boyfriend and The Hippiekid are sitting on the floor near me playing a game of chess. HK has been trying to learn by playing against his computer. I am so thankful that I don't have to be the one to try to remember how to play. The Boyfriend is not a game player (of any kind, thank heavens), but he is cheerfully playing chess with a 10 year old.
I'm adding this to the list. And I just heard him say, "Sure we can play one more". This could go on awhile. Oh wait, hahaha, now they are talking about going to the movies. Did I mention TB was smart too?
Last week HK came home with a graded paper that made me realize The Boyfriend and I answer to someone with more power than ourselves. I have reproduced the paper here with all the original spelling and punctuation (except I did change the boyfriend's real name to his blog initials of TB). Hard to believe this kid makes straight A's in spelling, and everything else. It looks very short typed out, but in his own handwriting it was about a page and a quarter. The prompt was "Write a composition about the best day you ever had."
One nice, hot sunny afternoon in the town of Uvalde where my mom’s boyfriend lives, while I was down the road at my friend’s house, my mom and TB were working in the garden.
TB has a sprinkeler system through out the yard; there are little nosels… they kind of look like the thangs that come out of the gum-ball machiens; the round clear plastic balls with a lid on top. TB obviously knew that too, because he got that plastic thang and put a ring in it. I guess he secretly put the plastic thang outside.
TB was about to wead-eat, wich ment my mom had to pick up rocks so they would not come back and hit TB. She was by a nosel and TB asked, “What’s that?” My mom said “Looks like a nosel.” “No”, said TB, “Well get it out of the way.” “OK” She picked it up, she looked at it and said, “It’s a ring.” “Wait a minute!, It’s a ring!” It is a ring with a diamond on top. Wich ment one thang, they were going to get maread, and TB would be my dad!
When they came down to get me I saw the ring. I realized what had happened and a smile came across my face. I knew TB was going to be my dad.
That day when TB asked my mom to marry him was my best day ever.